Architectural Photography

Architectural photography is a specialized field of photography that requires a specific set of skills and equipment. It is a technical and creative discipline that aims to capture the beauty and essence of a building, structure or space. Here, we will explore why you should choose Vivid Sync for architectural photography and how they can use lighting, angles, and composition to create stunning images.


Lighting is a crucial aspect of architectural photography. It can make or break the final image. Vivid Sync have the knowledge and expertise to use the right lighting to highlight the architectural features of a building. They know how to use natural light or artificial light sources to create the desired effect.

Natural light is a popular choice for architectural photography. Vivid Sync know how to use natural light to their advantage. They understand how to position themselves to get the best angle and how to use the light to highlight the building’s features. They also know how to work with the time of day and the season to get the perfect lighting conditions.

Artificial light sources, such as flash, are also used in architectural photography. Vivid Sync know how to use other light sources to create a specific mood or effect. They can use flashes to fill in shadows and create a more even lighting, or add a dramatic effect to the image.


Angles are another crucial aspect of architectural photography. They can help to create a sense of depth and perspective in the image. Vivid Sync have the expertise to use the right angles to capture the essence of a building or space. They know how to position themselves to get the best angle and how to create a sense of space and depth in the image.

One of the most important aspects of architectural photography is getting the right perspective. Vivid Sync know how to use different perspectives to create a sense of depth in the image. They understand the importance of capturing the building’s scale and how to create a sense of space and volume. They also know how to use the perspective to highlight specific features of the building, such as the roofline, windows, or entrances.

Another important aspect of architectural photography is the use of vertical lines. Vivid Sync know how to use vertical lines to create a sense of height and grandeur in the image. They also know how to use horizontal lines to create a sense of stability and balance. They understand the importance of getting the lines straight and parallel to create a sense of order and balance in the image.


Composition is the final aspect of architectural photography. It is the art of arranging the elements of the image to create a pleasing and visually appealing image. Vivid Sync have the knowledge and expertise to use the right composition to create a stunning image.

One of the most important aspects of composition is the use of the rule of thirds. This is a technique used to divide the image into thirds, both horizontally and vertically, and place the important elements of the image at the intersection points. Vivid Sync understand the importance of the rule of thirds and use it to create a balanced and visually appealing image.

Another important aspect of composition is the use of leading lines. Leading lines are lines in the image that lead the viewer’s eye to the main focal point of the image. Vivid Sync know how to use leading lines to create a sense of movement and flow in the image. They can use the lines of the building or space to lead the viewer’s eye to the main focal point of the image.

When To Hire Vivid Sync

Now that you know some of the benefits of hiring Vivid Sync, you might be wondering when the best time to do it is. The reality is you should hire Vivid Sync every time your visual needs are vitally important. Taking a few behind-the-scenes shots for social media or a mobile pic for progress reports – there is nothing wrong with that. But, if it is anything important, and client-facing like the main pages of your website, you are doing yourself one heck of a disservice by not having professionally executed photography.

Use Vivid Sync professional-level photography when you want your business to look professional.

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